While browsing a crochet pattern site (lion bran) I came across this fun idea. They had the pattern in every possible color as well, as if you were not quite sold on the pom pom leg thing, seeing it in lime green would be the clincher. Ugh. It's bad enough that they had a pattern for these fun fur white leg warmer things....
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Kris (and family) came to Utah for a week to visit and have some fun. Yea we love cousins! First off was a father's day dinner at my house in the backyard. Some ribs, a little trampoline fun and ladderballs.
Here I think Tyler is thinking about how he is too mature for this crowd.
Uncle Adam and Pete were wrestling on the trampoline, so apparently the maturity level doesn't run too deep at our house. They were the great uncles until I think every child ended up crying from some hurt or another.
Action shot of Thaddeus and Pete engrossed in Ladder Balls. And yes we did have to go buy this game after they left, cause we love a reason to spend time in the backyard, its what its there for right?
Then one day we headed to Lagoon. Cadence was mysteriously absent this day, funny how we ran into another classmate at Lagoon who was also mysteriously absent (total coincidence).