I have been noticing on Etsy and around town for the last year or so, wild hair things feathers you know the sort. I think that I am guilty of laughing and making fun of some of them (like the 70's hair band around the forehead - I will still laugh at that). My hair usually ends up in a bun or a pony tail, esp. because of work, also because it is stinking hot here and I am lazy. So many a times I have thought something along the lines of "hmm I could really use a red paten leather flower to punch up this bun," I mean haven't we all thought this at some point? To no avail though I can't find a red paten leather flower clip anywhere.
I noticed a seller on Etsy that had some cool ones and original ones - so what do I do? I copy.... First I bought this style of clip - 1$ for two at Walmart. Then I cut the cards into a bow shaped, glued them together and added a ribbon. Admittedly the one I saw on Etsy was much more elaborate and I should give her credit for thinking of it first ( http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6935827 ). Her's had some velvet thing in the background and was much more dramatic and her's was also 45$.
so very creative.. :) If I had hair to make a bun I would have you make me some.. but alas.. we know I have none.. so I will just admire yours!!!