I found this website one day http://whatnottocrochet.wordpress.com/ I am not sure what I was looking for but somehow I stumbled on this little gem, and I laughed, and then I laughed some more. Okay maybe this site is not so funny to those who don't crochet, but the author is still hilarious. She searches the web and the world all over to find the most hideous and offensive crochet designs, and my there are a lot. Little bit of warning; she does seem to find a lot of crochet bikinis and lingerie. Little one's eyes should be averted.
I had to add the following picture from the site because I recently came into some of my grandmother's old sewing things, and I received this pattern! Yep. I got a few crochet magazines from the 70's and I had to keep them - how could I not, they are so cool - I am sure I will post on them later, maybe when I crochet Pete a bowler hat. Any who, it is the same picture, same design, can you imagine wearing that?
I'll send my measurments in a private email so you can begin working on my bday present.. I like the shades of blue.. please stay true to that!