After two years of working for I-Crossing (aka the devil) Pete is moving on to another company called Myriad Genetics. This has been a long time coming, he has been hoping for a new job for about a year now, ever since his company has started their mass lay offs. Pete was assured that he would always have a job with them, but how much fun is it when everyone in the office is laid off but you and your boss? Last year Pete accrued 3 months of comp time, meaning for the year he worked so much overtime that it would equal 3 months of regular hours. Did they pay him out this? no. They did consent to a small raise just last month, so he is taking a pay cut, however their (Myriad's) insurance is Awesome! The cut won't be too deep for the cost of insurance will compensate.
Also this company does cancer research, so in a way we like to say that Pete is moving on to a company that will cure cancer, as opposed to a company that creates programs for giant corporations to better target their suckers (aka consumers). We can't help but feel morally clean making this transition. So hopefully good things are in store for us; Better healthier family relations, as I have told my husband if he is unhappy again at this job, I will just leave him. (joke)
congratulations!!! What great news!!!