Monday, January 25, 2010

Jumping on the Vinyl Bandwagon

Okay I know I am totally late for this bandwagon... like 5 years or so. Truthfully? I have not always loved the vinyl craze, I am sorry but I did not feel like scrolling "dance and live and love and what not" on my wall - it really did not feel like it fit my family or me... now if somebody made quotes from say Willy Wonka I might be a customer then.... Any who, there is a whole world of wonderfulness out there and I am starting to get hooked. Mostly for the finished feel that I think they bring to a room. Since every room in my house feels like 3/4 finished (because they are only 3/4 finished!) I wanted to add a little something. So I went small and added this antique scroll thing to my room above the mirror, and I think I like it.
This one is what I have my eye on next - in black for the same said olive green bedroom above. I have a large wall above the bed just sitting empty, and I think something large and graphic is just what is called for. Most of these (with the exception of the dandelion) vinyl graphics are from a fellow etsy artist Byrdie Graphics who I think is wonderful and I can't wait to add this to my room!

I think this one is too too cute!

I have always had a love of tress and the different shapes they take. I even had an art teacher tell me to please stop representing trees in all my work, so this one is a no brainer, love the mood it creates for this room.

This one is just plain fun, and different would be really cool in a little boys room.

This image of the blowing dandelion is pretty popular, but I love it.

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