Monday, June 27, 2011

MS Bike Race 2011

Cadence looking oh so stylish in her new hat - trying to beat the heat and avoid a sunburn. This is Pete's 5th year riding in the Logan MS 150 bike race. This year however we stayed in a hotel since I am days away from giving birth.

We took the kids on a little walk over to a nearby park where they have a cute little (teeny tiny) zoo. They needed to expend some energy and we needed to wait until the men finished.

This right here is the epitome of the bike race - free snow cones! I had to put a cap on two for the girl, but I am unsure how many my nephew snarfed down. Here the kids are waiting on the side of the road for the dads.

This year they decided to break it down and do 75 miles each day - instead of a full hundred on the first day - partly because this was Emerson's first year doing the ride. Way to go, pretty impressive for 13!

Tyler really wanted to do the whole 100 in one day so he struck out on his own and finished a little later then them.

The first night had an awards ceremony and a raffle drawing, each participant gets one ticket and the option to buy more tickets. Pete did not buy more, just went with what he had and tada - he won a sweet bike. I didn't even go over to the ceremony, but I was telling everyone else how Pete always wins drawings for some reason - just lucky I guess and sure enough he rode up on his new beach cruiser.

My eight year old nephew asked me what I would do if he did win a bike and I said "I will ride my fat prego butt all around this camp." So, when Pete rode up on it, I could see his eyes watching me and so I had to make good and ride that thing all around. It felt a little weird and I told Pete I was not impressed with his new bike, then I realized it is probably because of the 30 pounds of prego I am carrying around.

So I think the bike will become mine (much to Cadence's disappointment) since it has a whole 8 speeds and mine currently only has 3. The second day only Pete and his older brother Seth could handle the ride again and Emerson and Tyler sat it out while the two brothers took on another 75 miles. Way to go!

1 comment:

  1. wimp.. not camping..haha..just kidding..
    so I have a whole new understanding of those long bike rides..woot woot way to go!!

    Love the cruiser..glad you didn't deliver on it!! :)
