Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mt. Timpanogas Cave

So I am a little ashamed that I have lived in Utah 13 years now and have never done the Mt. Timpanogas Hike before. We planned a day with our brownie troop to earn a ranger badge and become junior rangers. The week of our hike, we had 4 girls cancel on us, really too bad since it was amazing, but we still went with just the other 3 girls.

The hike is only about a mile and a half, but, and here is the big but, it is straight up a mt. You literally climb one thousand feet in elevation in that mile and a half. It took us about one hour to climb to the cave entrance, and Cadence was such a trooper, I couldn't have been more proud of her, no complaints whatsoever, although she did have to point out like 3 times how she was not complaining.

Before the hike, the girls attended a Ranger program where they talked about reptiles and amphibians. Here the girls are making their own cookie dough snakes. They are all bundled up like this because we had a freak cold front blow in this weekend and up the canyon, in the shade, the temps were about 50 degrees. The weather was great for the hike though!

The caves were really amazing, and totally worth the climb (and the pain). I would love to do this again, it was that cool, I don't know how else to elaborate on how cool stalactites are, but I think you get the idea that I was impressed. Going down the hill, Cadence suddenly had all sorts of aches and what not, weird that the down hill would do it to her. Oh well, she is 8.

This hike got me thinking about other places in Utah that I have yet to visit. I feel like I am a real advocate of the outdoors and wild Utah and whatnot, but I think there is so much I have yet to see right here in my own little state, for instance I have not been to Lake Powell or Moab, I know shocking, I hear that all the time. I would really like to make a list of places to see and do right here and make an effort to visit my own city.

1 comment:

  1. I totally forgot about that hike, did it oh.. back in 91.. so just a few years ago, next time we come.. in the warmer season of course.. we need to take the kids to do that!! Good times.. glad you had fun!!!
